СНПЧ А7 Пенза, обзоры принтеров и МФУ


Project Overview

Our ambitious projects help us to contribute to tomorrows world. Get an overview on our recent activities!


Project management is affected by increasing complexity. In conclusion, the conventional principles of project management are losing the abilty to master the tasks. Framsteg Think Tank is developing an intelligent solution based on connectionistic approaches originally originated in neuroscience. Project Hippocampus is learning about your personal management style and helps you seeing projects from different angels.
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Tower Defense

Cyber war is a big threat for all companys who use computers, not only IT-business. The risks of perforated source-code and instable codelines allow hackers to take over complete server-systems. The Tower Defense project checks established web programming languages from simple HTML to complex javascript on a website. If the AI finds a security risk, it directly inserts a solution. The goal is to help administrators and developers check their websites for known problems and risks during programming and maintenance and fixing them instantly without changing the behavior or design of the site.
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Berlin Lab

Berlin, Germany
  032 229 340 927
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Wuerzburg Lab

Würzburg, Germany
  032 229 340 927
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