

If we want people to engage in the freedom and complexity of todays world, we must provide a sense of a safe haven.

How to handle IT crime as conceptional security breach within business processes.

What exactly is a legal counter meassure for an IT attack? We examine this question.                                     

The current exposure of data retention models raises many questions.                                     

Increase the performance of PBT algorithms due to the analysis of social networks.                                     

Predictive behavioral pattern recognition and the concept of multiplexer in the register-transfer level could solve our trouble with DDoS weaknesses.

AdTargeting as a means to security infiltration. A global network with vast implications.                                     

The threat of copy cats is highly overrated, so sharing your idea will help you very much.                                                

Optimizing the visual impression of your graphs will dramatically improve your audience's interest in your message

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Berlin Lab

Berlin, Germany
  032 229 340 927
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Wuerzburg Lab

Würzburg, Germany
  032 229 340 927
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